Open to Malaysian citizens aged aged 21 and above

Age is determined as of 2024 (e.g., if participant is born in 2004, the participant will be 20 years old in 2024 and therefore not eligible for the Professional category).

Only individual entries are allowed, with no limit on the number of entries per participant.

No registration fee required; participants sign up for free.


Digital illustration submissions only, with no restrictions on art style.

• There are no limitations on the drawing software used for digital illustrations, but artworks must be organized into layers,
separating characters, backgrounds, and other elements.

• Please ensure the safekeeping of the original files of their artwork (such as PSD, Sai, Clip files, etc.). These files will need to
be submitted for verification within one week for all selected finalists.

Participants are required to create an original character based on the theme
< 燃 Resurgence >
Gender, body type, and character proportions are unrestricted, but the character must have a humanoid form.
Character names are limited to English or Chinese, it is recommended to have a name that is easily memorable.
The image size should be more than 3000 pixels, with a minimum resolution of 300 DPI.
Participants are required to download and use the submission template provided by the organizer (excluding hand-drawn entries).
All designs must be original and have not been previously published in any form.
Character Turnover (Quarter view front & back, side is optional).
At least two design process drafts, such as concept sketches, silhouette, outline, or colour draft.
A brief character description, including the name, world view, design concept, and overall concept.
Additional submissions may include equipment breakdown, skill effects, and reference sources.
Digital submissions are to be submitted on competition submission template, with a resolution of at least 300dpi and character's height not less than 3000px.
*Participants must use the provided submission template.
*Missing files will affect the artwork scoring.

*Please name your respective jpg/png files using the following format
*File Name Format:
Example: Professional-NickyTan -01

File Format: JPG or PNG
Resolution: 300 DPI
File Size: Each file should be under 15MB, total file submissions should be less than 100MB
Image Dimensions: Width or length should not be less than 4000 pixels (Horizontal format is recommended)
Character Size: The image should not be less than 3000 pixels

2024 Mobius CDC-Professional-NickyTan-01

2024 Mobius CDC-Professional-NickyTan-02

2024 Mobius CDC-Professional-NickyTan-03

2024 Mobius CDC-Professional-NickyTan-04